Who We Are

Your brand. Our grand design.

Our Approach

Your brand defines you and encompasses everything you set out to be. We will design the very core of it, through resonating artwork and your resounding presence, before providing advice on the tools, the means and the streams to achieve an optimal, relevant and compelling reach.

Your spark. The fire within us.

We listen to you. We ask questions to grasp the core of it all and we provide insight to help you come to a decision. We make sure we fully understand your vision, your vibe and your intention so that we mirror what you really are and what you really set out to be. In order to achieve this, we provide you with sound strategic advice and brand awareness perspectives throughout the process, starting with an assessment of your products’ and/or services’ current situation and your targets. We then share with you our expert views on the various markets, the trends and the ways through which we can make sure you’re distinctive and unique within your sector. In other words, we challenge your vision to turn you into a relevant and compelling figure.

Your message. Your presence. Our pledge.

We are inspired by the very essence of what you are, what you do, what you stand for and what you’re firmly intending on becoming. We strive for what inspires you: your name, your signature, your imprint and your message based on your intentions, your target audience and your means. We make sure the result is customized and adapted to your needs, reality and goals. High-end ongoing service, affordable products, timely delivery and an accessible team working for and with you from start to finish: that’s the KB Media design.


To provide a reliable, creative, and innovative experience to support the world in efficiently overcoming its marketing challenges and nurture everyone’s integral success.


We strive for demystified marketing that empowers and connects the skills of tomorrow.

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Adaptability
  • Resourcefulness
  • Connectivity

Our History

Founded in 2009, KB Media is a cutting edge marketing, communications, design, and manufacturing company based on complete client experience. We assist companies in the design and management of their corporate branding programs. We create awareness and we change the perception about your brand: we help you generate revenues as we achieve standout results to solve your challenges. Few companies are in a position to match our ability to dedicate an experienced team of project managers, designers, production specialists, and consultants to their client’s accounts.

Our Background

With its headquarters located 25 minutes East of Ottawa and offices in Ottawa, Montreal, and Toronto, we assist various companies in the management and strategy of their corporate branding programs. We dedicate an experienced team of designers, project managers, production artists, and consultants throughout the entire process.

Our team has been working with small to medium-sized businesses, townships and municipalities, non-profit organizations, associations, education and government sector clients since our early beginnings.

With over 1,700 clients including, but not limited to United Counties of Prescott & Russell, Collège La Cité, Remax, University of Ottawa, Nav Canada, NCC, Ottawa Boat Cruise, Amazon, OC Transpo, Twin Equipment and Thermo King.

The know-how and expertise we have achieved through real world experience strengthens our team’s ability to provide your business with the best possible service, from concept design to project development, culminating post-launch follow-up support.

KB Media - Mark Kelly
Mark KellyCEO
KB Media - Corin Benoit
Corin BenoitCOO & Creative Director
KB Media - Craig Walsh
Craig WalshDirector of Web Integrations
KB Media - Jonathan Blouin
Jonathan BlouinChief Marketing Officer 
KB Media - Stephanie Millette
Stephanie MilletteDirector of Accounts & Administration
portrait kristine labre
Kristine LâbreAccount Manager
portrait 10 2023 judith barbarie
Judith BarbarieAccount Manager
portrait 04 2024 jeremy wilson
Jeremy WilsonAccount Manager
portrait Marc Rice
Marc RiceAccount Manager
portrait gary baxter
Gary BaxterSenior Advisor – Print Sales & Production
portrait 02 2025 robert deschenes
Robert DeschenesProject Coordinator
portrait 2023 Alicia Westfall
Alicia WestfallAccount & Administration Coordinator
KB Media - Lynn Landriau
Lynn LandriauFinancial Controller
KB Media - Sarah Hayes
Sarah HayesOperations Coordinator, Project Manager & Designer
portrait 01 2024 Riccardo Polato
RiccardO PolatoDesigner & Project Coordinator
KB Media - Sarah Dupont Denis
Sarah Dupont-DenisDesigner & Event Coordinator
portrait 04 2024 evan lloyd
Evan LloydDesigner & Project Coordinator
Portrait Amadee Lumingu
Amédée LuminguDesigner & Project Coordinator
KB Media - Melodie Burelle
Mélodie Burelle Digital Marketer & Project Coordinator 
KB Media - Adam Hopkins
Adam HopkinsWeb Developer & Integrations Specialist
portrait 06 2023 goyle holanda
Goyle HolandaSEO Specialist
portrait 2023 Noah Bazinet
Noah BazinetProduction Director
portrait jacob li
Jacob LiVehicle Wrap & Sign Installer
portrait 06 2023 jose cachupe
Jose CachupeVehicle Wrap & Sign Installer
portrait 04 2024 raphael villeneuve
Raphael VilleneuveVehicle Wrap & Sign Installer
KB Media - Dan Desroches
Dan DesrochesWrap & Graphics Installer
KB Media - Eric Charlebois
Éric CharleboisLiterary Consultant